A news research in London declares that the mother tongue actually comes from prehistoric fathers. Language change among our prehistoric ancestors came about via the arrival of immigrant men тАФ rather than women тАФ into new settlements, according to a new research. The claim is made by two University of Cambridge academics, Peter Forster and Colin Renfrew, in a report published in Science journal.

They studied the instances of genetic markers (the male Y chromosome and female mtDNA) from several thousand individuals in communities around the world that seem to show the emergence globally of sex-specific transmission of language, a university release said.

From Scandinavian Vikings who ferried kidnapped British women to Iceland тАФ to African, Indian and Polynesian tribes, a pattern has emerged which appears to show that the arrival of men to particular geographic locations тАФ through either agricultural dispersal or arrival of military forces тАФ can have a significant impact on what language is spoken there.


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