Myth 1: There is no big deal about a hangoverHangover

Fact: hangover happens when a person poisons his or her body with an excess of alcohol. Heavy drinking disturbs the central nervous system and tinkers with the chemicals in the brain thereby, causing nausea, headache and dizziness the following morning. It also makes you rush to the bathroom more often than usual and therefore, extracts all the water from your body leaving you dehydrated. Hangover is how your body takes revenge for creating an imbalance in the body.


Myth 2: liquor before beer, no fear

Fact: it does not matter how much you drink whiskey before or after the beer, but the amount of alcohol that you consume. The order of your drinks does not change anything in your body. Whether it is 5-ounce glass of wine, 12-ounce glass of beer or 1.5 ounce shot of distilled spirits, all of these contain almost the same amount of alcohol.


Myth 3: eating pasta before bed helps ease the hangover

Fact: this myth is wrong for two reasons. First, eating at bedtime after drinking does not help because if you want something to happen, you must have something in your stomach before drinking. Second, fat slows the absorption rate of alcohol. Opt for a pizza or a steak before the first martini and you may be able to escape a hangover the next morning.

Pain killers tokick off hangoverMyth 4: Popping pain killers before bed eases hangover

Fact: painkillers that are sold over-the-counter peak in 4 hours. Therefore, if you take them before sleep, by the time you wake up, the effect of the pill would be gone. Instead, take a pain killer as soon as you wake up. Avoid taking acetaminophen after drinking because alcohol disrupts the way the liver processes acetaminophen, which can lead to permanent damage of the liver or liver inflammation.


Myth 5: Diet cocktails are safe

Fact: diet drinks will help you in counting calories, but not when you are looking forward to avoiding a hangover. Research reveals that fruit juices, fruits and other sugary liquids decrease the intensity of a hangover though the impact depends on your body’s chemistry.

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